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Love your Muslim neighbour

Writer's picture: Kalen AcademyKalen Academy

There is a reason why schools and places of worship are targeted for murderous rampages—it sends a terrorizing message that there is no sanctuary, no safe place for you, your family and all you hold dear.

Don’t let your community be consumed by hatred, division and fear. Only #love casts out #fear. Instead, offer sanctuary, offer protection, offer belonging— safe spaces where all hatred including racist, sexist and xenophobic hatred are not tolerated.

The Tree of Life massacre last October took place on the Sabbath during prayer in the sanctuary of a synagogue located in the very neighbourhood inhabited by the television icon of civility and neighbourliness—the late Fred Rogers. The year before that a shooter in Quebec targeted Muslims in worship. Don’t let your neighbourhood be next. #BeAnUpstander #ChooseLove #EverybodyBelongs

This message and post below is an public declaration of love from a neighbour in Christchurch, NewZealand. #loveyourneighbor


@withrepost • @victorbumflu Devastated by the Christchurch shootings today. People come to New Zealand to be safe. We believe we are protected by our sense of community and isolation from the rest of the world. But we couldn’t have been more wrong. There is no such thing as a safe place to live. It really breaks my heart to see terrorism happen so close to home. Everyone deserves a right to religious freedom whether you agree or not. My condolences go to the families and friends who have suffered from this or these disgusting individuals. To my Muslim friends or anyone else, I am here for you. Just message me ❤️❤️ #lovethyneighbour#christchurch #christchurchshooting #terrorism#antiterrorist #ilovemymuslimneighbor #instadaily#religiousfreedom #instagramhub #prayers #muslim#prayforchristchurch


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