HALIFAX, NS -- 95.7 News host Sheldon MacLeod interviews author, speaker and veteran community builder Diane Kalen-Sukra on the rise of toxic culture in Canadian communities and its impact on our local governments, democracy, and the sustainability of our communities. They discuss new polls that show incivility is on the rise in Canada, that there are high levels of distrust in our institutions, and that our democracy is weakening.
Downloads: www.saveyourcity.ca/media
Get your copy of Diane Kalen-Sukra's new book Save Your City: How Toxic Culture Kills Community & What To Do About It. The book comes in two editions: (1) Citizen's Edition & (2) Local Government Exclusive Edition (published by Municipal World). See 50 second book trailer below.
"Save Your City is an inspired and powerful must-read. Our democracy is in peril and this book delivers the right message, by the right person, at the right time."
"Save Your City is an absolute must-read for community builders. Diane Kalen-Sukra masterfully enlightens the challenges of modern governance with the wisdom of classical antiquity to address our increasingly uncivil society."
-- GEORGE B. CUFF, FCMC, author, consultant, past president Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM)
"For the love of community, read Save Your City. You will be taken on a journey that awakens your heart and our collective hope for a sustainable future."
-- SAM CHAISE, executive director, Christie Refugee Welcome Centre (Toronto), former executive director Canadian Baptist Ministries
"I applaud Diane Kalen-Sukra for devising a blueprint for community change. Every community leader should read Save Your City -- pen in hand -- and then emphatically implement the strategies in detail."
-- DR. LEW BAYER, CEO Civility Experts Worldwide Inc. (international civility expert)